Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Sterling Wire Wrapped Bangle

I've made a lot of these bangles in copper, but finally tackled one in sterling today. I love this gorgeous focal bead (made by a SRA from the US), isn't it gorgeous?

For the bangle, I handwrapped 20 gauge wire around a 14 gauge core. I love that this style bangle is adjustable.


Anonymous said...

I guess that the gauge you use is subjective. You state that 20 was hard to wrap (LOL); but that is the smallest that I use, I find that the 24,26, etc is so easy to bend that I just kink it up. Keep up the great work.


kittyd said...

It's only hard to wrap with the sterling-I find it easy with copper-the sterling I used was very stiff for some reason.
Thanks for the compliment John! :)