Sunday, February 21, 2010

Notable Jewelry Artist

I was so thrilled to see myself listed as a notable artist in the jewelry making community on Fire Mountain Gem's Website! :)

It's because I won first place in the stones category in Bead Star 2009, can't wait for a try for 2010! :)

(((Hugs))) to all!



Mollie Ann said...

Congrats my friend -- well deserved too!!!

And ... I've presented you with the Sunshine Blogger Award. To learn about the award, just visit my blog:
Hugs, PG~Mollie

kittyd said...

Awww...Mollie, I just read your post dear. You're too sweet. You know how I was depressed for a day or so (so very unlike me)! It was partly from posting that, because it was so personal, but I was sharing it with the world. But, if it helped one person, it was worth it.
Thank you so much for the touching tribute!